Sunday, July 8, 2018

Back Again

I can't believe it has been since Christmas since I last posted. I have been blogging for 10 years and have never let more than a couple months pass between posts.  This past winter was a difficult one for me and I am happy to say I came through the other side of it, once again stronger and still positive.
I did manage a trip to Ontario in March to visit my family travelling with only my dogs. It was a great week and I got to spend time with my kids and grandbabies as well as my great nephews 💖.

These kids kept me laughing whenever I spent time with them!
Billy and Britni are doing very well, healthy and happy. Brit had to have her appendix out the week after Christmas which was scary at the time as it had burst so she had some post op complications but in the end recovered completely and now knows she has nothing to fear at the hospital.
For Christmas my kids got me a new baby.  We named him Frankie and he is just the cutest little dog. He is a Chihuahua Pug mix (Chug) and a best friend for Copper too. They both provide me with unconditional love and hours of entertainment. 

The spring brought new love into Brooke' s life. Makes my heart happy to see her being treated so well.
I have a few painting projects on the go after a long break. It's been a struggle to get back into that groove. Some things just require a little inspiration and the beautiful weather has helped in that area.

I just returned from a quick trip to North Bay, Ontario where I enjoyed a couple days with my friends Christy and Grant Patterson. Although it was extremely hot the company was delightful and we had lots of laughs.

This was a hoarders house downtown North Bay.

  After three nights I packed up and made the 15 and 1/2 hour drive home. It's so nice travelling this time of year when I can make the entire trip in daylight otherwise I would have to stay overnight half way. I don't like night time driving due to all the wild life, better to be safe than sorry.
So now I am back home planning our next adventures. Coming up this month I am taking a Romanian woman and her daughter to Montreal to obtain their new Visas as well as a quick trip to PEI to visit some Ontario friends who are vacationing there. 
So that's a quick over view. I am still here, single again but happy and healthy, grateful for the blessed life I lead.  
Love and sunshine to all.💖