Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Snow Dec. 6, 2009

I guess it was bound to happen, after all this is December in Canada but I must admit I was hoping it would wait until late Christmas Eve. Waking up early and looking outside to see everything draped in white for the first time of the year is a kind of magical moment though. It brought back childhood memories of making snowmen and angels, building forts and tobogganing...but only for a few minutes. Then it sets in that driving is going to be more hazardous, shovelling needs to be done, the heating bill is going to take a jump, and the arthirits will no doubt flare up.
Days like this, in my mind, ache for Christmas cookies baking in the oven, a pot of homemade soup simmering on top of the stove, Christmas music playing and a steaming cup of cocoa in my hand. Yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and what most of us probably needed boost our motivation to do that baking and shopping we've been putting off. It's also a good day to write out and post those Christmas cards I bought last month and have been wondering if I am ever going to send them.
I booked my flight home for a two week holiday with my family and friends from December 24th - January 8th. My parents home in Hagersville will be my homebase for the duration of my stay so if any of my friends and family have the time, I hope we can get together for coffee and visits. I'm really looking forward to it and am making a promise to myself to see as many people as I can without wearing myself out so much driving all over the place that I need days off when I get back to recouperate. Hopefully there will be no snow Christmas Eve to delay or cancel my flight, would hate to spend Christmas in the Moncton airport!
Guess that's my update for today...better get those Holiday cards off the shelf and start writing. Happy Snow Day to all!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

November brought with it a nice suprise...a visit from my friends Christy and Taylor Patterson. With every visitor this year came beautiful weather and this visit was not to be an acception. The sun shone every day giving us plenty of opportunities in the 3 days to venture out to some of my favorite spots.

Large clam shells and sand dollars were treasures found at New River Beach and sea urchins were picked up on our visit to Deer Island.

It was so nice to catch up with my friends and I'm so happy they made the trip here and back to Brantford safe and sound. I'm sure they will return to discover more hidden gems here in Charlotte County.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Visitors in the Fall

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In the collage are pictures of my September and October visitors. David Parks, Sonja Maden, Tammy Douglas, Michelle Job, Sandy Rittenhouse and Bev Carpenter.
In October my cousin Sandy Ritthouse and her cousin Bev Carpenter arrived. Thanks to Facebook we were able to connect after many, many years and I was very excited to have them come and visit! Every day was filled with road trips including St. Martin's, Hopewell Rocks, St. Andrews and Deer Island. We sampled Comeau's restaurant this time and let me tell you..their Scallop and Fish chowder was amazing!!! Loaded with scallops, haddock, and potatoes this chowder was more than a meal in itself.
The highlight of the visit was the night before I had to go into work while they were here. I had gone to bed early and left the two of them to watch movies in the living room with a nice fire crackling away in the woodstove. About an hour after I had retired there was a knock on my bedroom door. It was Sandy stating that the house was filling up with smoke!!! I jumped out of bed and opened the door to find that a blueish haze was indeed hovering in the air. We quickly went downstairs to discover that the vent on the woodstove was closed and the smoke was coming through the heat vents instead of up the chimmney. Once the vent was opened the problem was solved, windows were opened and the smoke eventually cleared out.
It was great catching up with the two of them, lots of laughs and good times. The only thing missing was my other cousin Kim but hopefully she will make it down the next time they come.
Now awaiting my next visitors...Christi and Taylor Patterson! Woo Hoo!! The adventures continue!

Monday, October 5, 2009

It was a beautiful fall day on Saturday so I hopped in the car with camera in tow to enjoy the beautiful colours of the season. Unfortunately the pictures don't do justice to the eye-popping
scenes but here they are just the same. The drive down Canal Rd and back out to the highway at Second Falls is windy and serene...won't be long now before the deer will also be out along this route once hunting season is over.

Visitors in September

David, Sonja, Michelle and Tammy arrived on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd after a long drive from visiting family in Nova Scotia. It was great to see familiar faces again and to sit up late talking and catching up with Tammy and Michelle and getting to know my new friends, Dave and Sonja.

Over the next few days they visited a few of the local stores and saw some of the beautiful scenery around the area. Although I had to work during their visit, I'm glad that they ventured out on their own to explore and even took the ferry over to Deer Island.

On my day off we stopped at New River Beach for a short walk and then drove into Saint John to the City Market to pick up some fresh meat from the butcher and a few gifts. Dave enjoyed the "Guitar Man" playing outside the market singing some country music and after leaving the man a small token of appreciation in his guitar case we continued on our way.

Saturday night the folks treated me to a dinner out at the Silverking Restaurant in Black's Harbour for a delicous and overwhelming meal of fried clams, scallops, shrimp and fish. That small seafood platter was enough to feed an army!!! Thanks guys! Maybe next time we go there they will serve beer in a can for you Dave!

After 3 days of eating and visiting Dave had to remove his belt from his pants, we thought he was going to have to resort to wearing a pair of Lyndon's track pants, what can I say? The man loves his mashed potatoes and gravey! Both Dave and Sonja expressed their desire to return in the future and I hope they do! What a great visit which ended all to soon and before I knew it they were off to return to Brantford.

I want to thank them for the beautiful gift for my bathroom as well as the gift they left in my guest book. Most of all thanks for coming to visit, and hope to see you all down here in St. George again in the future!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


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As I sit here staring at the blank page wondering what exciting news I have to share from the East Coast what jumped to mind instead was how everyone is always saying the summer flies by. Usually I agree thinking that summer is never long enough but today I decide to take a more positive appoach and look back at the moments instead of the months.
Yes, it has been an unusually wet and cool summer but it really hasn't affected how many awesome moments I've had.
Every day at work where the job is hot and demanding I have the opportunity to go outside for my breaks and overlook the view of the river with the occasional eagle soaring above me and the fresh breeze a welcomed relief to cool me down. It's always a great moment.
Every day without fail when I return from work my dog Maddie is so overcome with joy at my return, so excited to see me that she can't wait for me to sit on the deck and put my feet up so she can jump in my lap and try to lick my ears and face as many times as possible. Always a great moment.
After every rain it's amazing to see the extreme greens everywhere from the trees to the grass glistening and the smell of freshness in the air that it leaves behind when the sun finally shines through.
Moments like walking on the beach, playing games, or taking long scenic drives with family members that I don't see often enough now, nor did I when I lived within an hours drive of them. The moments are like a million tiny snapshots in my memory to pull out and cherish anytime I think the days are slipping by too fast.
Even in those dark and despairing moments when my heart has been breaking and there are no words to speak that will diminish the hurt, something will happen in a moment to lift the burden and despite myself I find that the good and beautiful things in life are still with me to help me through.
I've had a great time the past few months travelling around, seeing beautiful places and spending time with family and friends which I am truly grateful for but most of all I feel blessed that my spirit is nurtured daily with all the moments I have experienced. When I think in moments rather than months it doesn't seem that time has flown by at all.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mom, Dad and Pat's visit June 12th to the 19th, 2009

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We had beautiful weather and the lupins were in full bloom the entire week that my parents and sister visited. Every day was filled with sightseeing excursions, naps and food just as every good vacation should be. All the local shops and restaurants were visited along with trips to St. John Market Square and City Market, a ride on the ferry to Grand Manan island where we spotted our first whale of the summer, a drive to St. Stephen and Calais Maine for some shopping and a jaunt through all the stores in beautiful St. Andrew's by the Sea.
Vicious games of marbles were played every night after supper and we were joined one evening by our neighbours Sandy and Lise Livingstone...lots of laughs, jokes and questionable language filled the house.
Dad needed a comfy place to sit and relax while watching tv so he purchased us a new lazyboy recliner, a very nice addition to the living room...thanks Dad!
All too soon the visit was over, it sure did fly by as most good things in life do. God willing they will be back again next summer to complete their next leg of the Charlotte County Tour.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What Lies Beneath

Clank! Clank! The shovel had hit stone and the sound it made sent the tiny hairs on the back of neck to attention. I had made the executive decision to dig up all the stones outlining what I'm sure at one time in the history of this property was a beautiful garden. The borders of the two flower beds resembled two very large eyebrows in the middle of the sloped back yard and over the years grass had grown in amonst the stones. Rather than dig up all the sod in the flowerbeds which would have created an enormous amount of gardening work all summer to keep the weeds down, I thought it would at least be an improvement if the borders were dug out and re-layed to create a point of interest in the back yard.

Our new friend Tyler was looking for some extra money and was anxious to get back into landscaping which was a real benefit to me. We discussed the plan and he quickly set to work to remove the stones. Unfortunately for Tyler, (but fortunate for me) the stones were actually rocks with only the very top tips showing through the overgrown earth. What he uncovered after a couple hours of hard labour was approximately 80 rocks ranging in weight from 5 pounds to 50 pounds! He heaved and dug and cursed occasionally as the shovel hit yet another hidden treasure. Fifteen of the largest of the rocks were set aside to build a set of steps leading from the top of the hill off the deck down to the lower back yard where the rhubarb patch sits.

After digging out all of the rocks and raking the newly turned earth Tyler then set to the task of maticulously placing the rocks into place on top of the dirt. I thought some new topsoil would look nice thrown over top of the rocks and then swept down in among them to fill in the cracks so Lyndon and Tyler headed off to make the purchase. When they returned with the bags of dirt I looked out and was shocked to see Tyler removing all the rocks he had just put in place 1/2 and hour ago. I explained that I didn't think he needed to take the rocks out, just put the dirt around them but this was his job and I let him go to it.

With the flower bed borders complete he then set to putting the stone steps in place and started digging out the ground to set them in. It took us another couple of hours to get all 15 of the rocks placed and levelled but the result was great. I can now easily walk down to pick rhubarb and not have to walk sideways back up the hill with my arms full without falling.

Shortly after the job was done, we had enjoyed a nice supper and had some time to relax, there was a small knock on the back door. No one ever uses the back door so I was suprised to see a wee little girl there holding a sponsor sheet. She was collecting for the Jump Rope for Heart. I asked her if she used my new steps to come up the hill and she shyly smiled and answered "yes". I looked at Lyndon and said, "I knew if we built it, they would come!" Maybe the future name of my bed and breakfast should be "Field of Dreams".

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another Province Down

Where has the time gone? Here it is the middle of May already and I see it's been a month since I updated this.
Spring seems to be taking it's time getting here, although the sun is shining most days the nippiness in the air is still holding on for dear life. The grass is brilliant green, trees are sprouting new leaves for another summer and more and more people are out and about on the streets of St. George. Business at the bakery is picking up and looks like summer will be a very busy time there. Here at the house, not much has changed. I did purchase a new bed for my upcoming visitors and have had the tree that was growing up through the deck cut down as most of it was dead and what was living insisted on dropping little leaves and twigs onto the deck all summer long.
This past weekend was the May 24 weekend and with the sun shinning brightly, Lyndon and I decided to head out on a road trip. There was not enough time to go to Ontario so we headed further east to Nova Scotia. It takes 2 and 1/2 hours to get from our house to the Nova Scotia border where we arrived at 5:00pm Friday night. Although it is very close by, the landscape is quite different with less evergreens, more deciduous trees and more open land. We headed down highway 104 which is a toll road, cost $4.00 until we saw a sign that said, "This is the only exit to Halifax" so we took it. We arrived in Halifax around 7:00pm and drove around downtown, along the pier and then out to Cow Bay (by accident). I would like to go back to Halifax sometime to walk around. The downtown buildings seem very old but very well maintained. We stopped for the night around 9:30 and got a room at the airport hotel.
Saturday morning we headed out again around 8:30 and decided to go to Cape Breton and drive the Cabot Trail. It was a beautiful day again and the scenery was spectacular. There were lots of little bakery's and giftshops along the route which Lyndon begrudgingly stopped at so I could snoop around. The trail itself was full of twists and turns, eye-popping views and hair raising drop offs. All in all I'm so glad we went but don't think I will have the nerve up to do it again anytime soon. Lyndon on the other hand wants to go back without me to see how fast he can take that road! We arrived back home Saturday night, safe and sound just in time for the rain to start. I've now been in every province except Newfoundland but that's a 6 hour ferry ride so will need to save up some vacation time for that trip.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The sunshine was calling to me and I couldn't stay was such a beautiful day I had to get out for a drive. We took the scenic route, taking the exit past Sussex through Fundy National Park. For the most part it was just a lot of trees but there was the occasional view of the water, one which I got a picture of. Once through the park we passed through a couple of small villages before getting to Hopewell Rocks. The park doesn't officially open until sometime in May but you could still walk around and go part way down the stairs to see the flowerpot rocks. You can check out this website for more info on this area.

After our walk we headed on towards Moncton which was another hour away, up and down hills and around some sharp curves, just taking our time and enjoying the day. Luckily no one seemed to be in a hurry therefore not riding my bumper! Since it was low tide at Hopewell, by the time we passed New River Beach on our way home it was high tide so I couldn't stop to take Maddie for a walk on the beach...oh well...another day. Here are a few pictures of our adventure today. Enjoy!

Last covered bridge on Rt. 114 View from a high point in Fundy Nat'l Park

Flowerpot Rocks at Hopewell....You can see where the water has worn away the rocks during high tide.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It actually seemed warmer outside than it did in the house this afternoon so Lyndon talked me into going out for a drive. I was more than happy to oblige because although I am fully capable of getting in the car and taking off whenever the mood strikes me, I always enjoy rides with Lyndon more. Sometimes we just drive along not saying a word for long stretches, taking in the scenery. Other times Lyndon will crack me up, most recently by using what he calls his New Brunswick voice which was that of an old man, obviously hard of hearing because he just yelled out of nowhere..."Been some busy and we'll be going straight out til Christmas!!!!" It wasn't so much what he said, but the voice and the fact that he yelled it out startled me into hysterics!

I have to say that it's so nice that after 16 years together we still enjoy each others company and can bring each other to tears of laughter on an evening drive.

All laughter and joking aside though, the scenery was beautiful and we spotted lots of deer roaming the sides of the roads just waiting for tourists like ourselves to stop and take their pictures. They didn't run away, just looked up from their meal of grass, posed for the picture then started eating again.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh Deer!

I stopped at Horton's to pick up coffees for Elsie and I and then hopped on the highway heading toward New River. It was after six and I was running a bit behind schedule but still I was in no hurry and drove slowly enjoying the early evening views. As I passed through Pennfield I saw them, slowing even further for a double take. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, deer, deer and more deer...right there on someones lawn, contentedly gnawing away at the brown grass. They were great in number but not in physical size. The long cold winter had obviously taken it's toll on these gentle creatures. My they were thin! Now I understood why so many of the people around this area that love animals put food out for them during the winter months.
I've recently read posts on gossip central, aka, Facebook from people as well as hearing buzz around town stating a dislike for people doing this for the deer population. It brings them out close to the road and makes driving dangerous. Although I see their point, and yes it would be better to take the food out into the woods for the deer, if I thought deer would come into my backyard I would put food out for them too. I just love watching them. My recommendation would be to drive very slowly on the highway and enjoy the view of nature. I'm sure the deer were here long before the highway and the people that insist on taking away their natural habitat for their convenience.
Perhaps it is because I am new to the area that I notice the deer crossing signs everywhere and I heed them, watching carefully along the roads when travelling. Maybe it's because I am enjoying the slower pace of life here and refuse to be in a hurry to get anywhere that it doesn't bother me to drive slower, especially in this area at this time of year. I hope that living here over time will not cause me to be less in awe of nature's abundance and beauty. So, drive slow, be aware, and enjoy the view!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I will not say good-bye...just "See you later"

It's Monday and we are leaving tonight. So much to do and so little time! First on the agenda at 7:30 am was to take Madison to her hairdressers which we were lucky enough to get her an appointment with on such short notice. After dropping her off we drove into Paris so I could stop by to see the folks that live on Amelia St.. Jake, Deb and Julie were as happy to see me as I was to see them. We enjoyed a coffee together and chatted while they had breakfast and got ready to head off to their daily activities. It was soooo nice to see them! After a quick hello to Megan and Debra who were working I was off again, back to Jane's to start baking.

With the cupcakes and angel food cake baked and cooling, Lyndon and I went over to Gillin St. to visit with Russell for a few minutes. He quickly and efficiently updated us on all the goings on in the neighbourhood where we used to live. Apparently there are 6 houses on that street in foreclosure!! How sad that people are having such a hard time.
Back to Jane's to finish up filling and decorating the desserts and then back to Canine Design to pick up my naked puppy! She was so cold and shivering I had to buy her a new sweater...poor baby!
When we returned Jane, Lyndon and I loaded up the car with treats for HBBS and headed to Hamilton. First stop was Lyndon's old place of employment to say hello and then up the mountain to the office. You know how the seagulls swarm you at Port Dover begging for your fries...well it was kind of like that! Brad and Blain crack me up with their love of sweets, I'm so glad I had the opportunity to take them something. Apparently the sugar coma from the carrot cakes I sent up there this summer had worn off! After a final farewell we headed back to Brantford to get ready for our evening at Kelsey's.

Supper with Sally, Melinda and Diana was that Chicken Sonoma Salad! Soon everyone started arriving and we spent the rest of the evening mingling and chatting up the Kelsey's bar area. Unfortunately I forgot to get my camera out until the end of the evening so I only got a few pictures to share but it sure was great to see everyone. Thanks to all for coming out and making the night so special. I miss you all and hope someday you will venture down here for a vacation.
Guests: Kristie, Greg, Desiree, Destiny, Melanie, Cindy, Leo, Sally, Diana, Melinda, Susan, Christy, Grant, Andrew, Marta, Tracey, April, Rory, Mary Ann, Steven.

Thanks and take care...until we meet again!

Sunday, the day of rest! Yeah, right!! Brunch with Kristie and Jenna was on the agenda this morning and after a quick call to my friend Melanie, I convinced her to come join us. The Sherwood restaurant in Brantford has the best brunch with everything from roast beef and ham, every breakfast food you could ask for, tons of different salads and then a humungous table of desserts! friend Mellie!

Jenna presented me with a picture she colored and her abilities with the crayons astounded me for a 4 year old!
We dove into the buffet against our better judgement after yesterday's festivities and caught up on some more visiting between bites.

Afterwards, Lyndon went off to do some visiting with his family and Jane and I went shopping for baking ingredients. Since Lyndon was now in town, I cancelled my flight home and decided to drive back with him so I now had to have the baking done to take to HBBS on Monday instead of Tuesday. With all of the ingredients for some butterfly cupcakes and lemon filled angel food cake purchased (along with a pair of shoes that were totally unnecessary) we headed back to Jane's. Since mom and dad were expecting me for supper, I made a quick call to my friend Tim and arranged for him to be my dinner date and then whipped up a cinnamon raisin bread pudding to take for dessert (like we needed it!!).

Tim picked me up and we were off to Hagersville for yet another meal. After knowing Tim for so many years and him listening to me talk about my parents it was nice that he finally got to meet them. It was a short visit but both mom and dad were exhausted from yesterday's party and honestly, after consuming so much food over the past 3 days I felt the need to hibernate! Before leaving and because I now had access to a vehicle to pack things in for the return trip to New Brunswick, mom and dad loaded me up with some porceline dolls to display in the house, my grandmother's painting easle and a few jars of tomatoe butter. It was also no suprise that dad came out with a marble board for me to deliver to Jane so she has no excuse not to be a pro the next time she sees them!

On the road again, Tim and I chatted all the way back to Jane's.

Jane had a dinner guest, her friend Anne which is why she didn't come to mom and dad's as well. When I returned they were just getting ready to watch a movie so we snuggled in to our respective chairs with comfy blankets and ended up chatting and getting acquainted during the entire movie (which by the way was Mama Mia and Pierce Bronson can't sing!) Anne is a dear lady and is planning a trip down to my house this summer along with Jane and a couple other ladies...can't wait!

Well, another day down. The days are too short and I feel like I'm running out of time! Tomorrow is my last day and there are still lots of people I want to see. I'm tired!