Friday, December 15, 2017

Season's Greetings

Here it is, just over a week before Christmas once again.  Happy to say I am here for another year!
It's been a busy fall with painting classes, road trips, birthdays and so on.  Unfortunately there was an incident of excessive drama that came into my life causing me great stress and the result was that I contracted shingles and was out of commission for the most part of 6 weeks.  I am still numb from the waist down on the left side but at least it is now tolerable, the unnecessary stress has been removed and I am feeling great again, thankfully in time to prepare for Christmas!

My good friend Elsie and I had a girls weekend away in Old Quebec City.  Everyone we encountered was so friendly and accommodating.  It was a very charming and interesting place to visit, cobblestone streets lined with a wide variety of unique shops to wander in and out of.  The tantalizing aromas wafting from the restaurants mingling with the fresh fall air made me wish it was supper time!  We took a horse drawn carriage ride around the town which was very informative.  The weekend was a success, we both had a good time and came home well rested.

Brooke, Mel, George and I got busy with the Christmas baking once my shingles healed up and we are gradually getting all of our containers delivered to friends and family.  Christmas cards have been sent along with any parcels that needed to be shipped as well.  I got to watch my grand babies open their Christmas presents this year via Facetime (thanks Kristie), which was really special.  Brooke has been in Ontario for almost a week and will be home on the 20th with my special Christmas gift...I am as excited as a six year old!!!  I can't wait until Christmas morning when everyone opens their gifts!  George keeps going through the ones under the tree trying to find his and seeing if he can guess what they are.  I love that Christmas never gets old in our house no matter our age.  Tonight Brit, George and Billy got dressed up to attend the program Christmas dinner and dance...what a great looking group they are!

We had snow for one day last week, then the rain and high winds came and took it all away.  We are still green a week before Christmas but Ontario has enough snow for them and us too!

I guess that wraps up October, November and most of December. 
Merry Christmas to all of my family and friends, near and far!
See you back here after in the New Year!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Have a Nice Trip??

I simply can't wrap my brain around the fact that it is September already.  School buses are rumbling down the roads, leaves are starting to turn and the crisp morning air tells me it's true.  What a fabulous summer we had at my house, so much activity, visitors, trips, new adventures...and I would say that I'm sorry it's over but guess what?  The fall is looking just as jam packed full of things to do, places to go and people to see!

With the great success of our Yardzee fundraiser we were able to make awesome trips happen for six folks that wanted to travel.  The first three went to Halifax in June and in August three more people had some of their dreams come true.
Rosie, Marilena, and Britni were excited to be heading to PEI for two nights.  We stayed at the Dutch Inn, Cornwall, PEI.  This Inn had an indoor pool and a nice breakfast.  The rooms were great with kitchen, living room and two bedrooms in each so everyone got to sleep on a cots or couches for us!
The first day we went to Sandspit Amusement Park where Marilena had her first experience on a rollercoaster and all the other rides.  Once she overcame her fear and went on the first ride there was no holding her back.  She laughed her way through all the rides!!  Rosie was a little less adventurous but did ask to go down the big slide and smiled all the way down.  Brit enjoyed all her usual favorites as well.
The next day we ventured down to Souris, it was a rainy day but it didn't dampen our spirits.  After a short walk we enjoyed lobster rolls for lunch and bought a few souvenirs. 

Chef Michael Smith from the Food Network shows Chopped Canada, The Inn Chef, Chef at Home etc... had a gift shop there where we spent some time visiting with the sales person.  I mentioned that we wanted to drive by his Bay Fortune Inn to check it out and she told us to stop in and look around, assuring us that we would be welcomed and might get a tour.  You didn't have to tell us twice so off we went.  
Just as we were told, the receptionist welcomed us in, and Britni noticed cook books for sale!  I went to go back out to the van in the rain to get my debit card and here is where things took a turn for the worse.
I walked carefully across the slick deck (there was no railing) and as soon as I stepped down onto the first step, my foot went up in the air followed by the other foot and I came down on my spine right on the edge of the step!!  The pain was crazy and went right to my head even though I didn't hit my head.  I managed to get myself up and when I looked around I saw Michael Smith himself!!!  OMG!  I didn't know whether to be embarrassed or cry from the pain.  The next thing I know the receptionist is beside me asking me if I was ok.  I assured her I was not but I could not let Britni know or it would upset her and ruin her visit and possibly the trip.  So we got to the van, I retrieved my debit card and went back inside to finish the visit.  To be honest I don't remember much other than taking pictures of everyone with Michael and him inviting us to come back later that evening for the Oyster Hour as his guests which was a once in a lifetime opportunity for these girls.  I kept the smile on my face as far as I know and as soon as we wrapped things up there I got Carrie to drive me to the nearest hospital.  From Souris I had to travel by ambulance to Montague where I had xrays and some morphine.  They didn't see anything broken so I was allowed to leave 3 hours later.  While I was having this done, Carrie had taken everyone else back to the hotel for a swim so they didn't know what had happened and wouldn't worry.  They picked me up just in time to make it back to Bay Fortune Inn where we wandered around the property trying all the appetizer stations.  We all had our first oysters which were surprisingly delicious!  He signed all of our cookbooks before we left.  What a great experience for this group!!!

This is a picture of my back the next was a long drive home for me but and of course getting in and out of the van everyone knew I had been hurt and they all took great care of me.  

I was feeling pretty good after the first week with a lot more range of motion but for whatever reason today I am back to not being able to move much due to the pain.  I guess it will just take time to recover so I will have to take it easy.  My incentive to take it easy is that I am looking forward to a final fund raiser trip at the end of October to take a group to Woodstock for a night of bowling with friends they have made up there.  

So there is a bit of my summer...see you next time!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

A Feeling of Urgency

I wonder if I am alone in this or if any of you have had the same experience. 
A few months ago I started with this feeling that something big was going to happen, I didn't know if it was good or bad but there was this fluttering in my gut that motivated me to get out and start something.  This was the time that I offered to go back to the program to work until they could find a full time staff that they desperately needed.
During my time at the center I started teaching classes on Personal Outcomes...looking at 21 different areas in a persons life that they seek satisfaction.  The response to these classes was amazing, people discussing their rights, their dreams and desires and what kinds of things they felt they were missing out on.  They chose travelling as their goal and discussed barriers and solutions.  Money, always being an obstacle was addressed by a desire to fundraise to help out the situation.  After making over 70 Yardzee games and holding a very successful yard sale we raised over $1200 dollars to get started on our adventures.

Our first trip was last week to Halifax.  Three folks from the program signed up to go for the one night stay.  We visited the Atlantic Maritime Museum and the Nova Scotia Art Gallery, Peggy's Cove, the school for the blind and Citadel Hill.  As two of the folks are part of our art class, the exhibit in the Art Gallery of Maude Lewis, her house and her works was very interesting.  Her work is very simplistic in nature and proved to us that some forms of art, such as folk art which is what her style is, can be achieved by the most basic of painters.  There is no need for expensive education, tools, paints...just a desire to create!

We enjoyed meals together, lots of laughs and side conversations and learned so much about each other that you can't learn in a large group environment.  I can't stress enough how rewarding it is to take someone away from their everyday, humdrum lives and see their reactions to new and exciting experiences.  I could go on and on about how behaviours that you see at home magically disappear when away but that is for another day and another post.

Now, back to my feeling of urgency.  I now think it was my need to give, to do something, to make a difference.  It's easy when you work from home, to get set in a routine and before long it seems you are doing nothing but merely existing.  Of course that's not true because you are maintaining a home and looking after folks but sometimes you just need more.  I guess what I am saying is that I was draining my cup and not doing anything to refill it.  By volunteering, getting involved and helping people experience new things I have begun to fill myself up again.  I have learned that volunteering at something you actually love adds depth and meaning to your life, it doesn't drain you.

Our next trip is to PEI in August with three young ladies from the center, one staff, one parent and myself. 

Now, as for me personally, I am heading back to Ontario in July.  The opportunity came up unexpectedly to stay at the Normandale cottage and I couldn't be happier.  I love that place, so relaxing and a great time to visit with friends!  Of course it really wouldn't be complete without taking Brit, Billy, George and Mel with Brooke and myself and they are all eager to see their new extended family as well as some of their friends they have made over the years.

My feeling of urgency has subsided into an enjoyable and fun filled life once again and I continue to explore new ways to give back and reap the benefits of contributing to others.

See you back here soon.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Spring Has Sprung??....Yeah, Right!!! Grrrr!

Spring seems to be having a hard time breaking through this year.  We have had a few very nice days, warmer than normal and then a couple days later the ground is covered in snow!  Nothing that lasts for very long or needing shoveling so there's no sense in complaining.

I went straight back to work after our March getaway to Ontario.  The month of  April started out sad when we lost a dear friend Corey.  He was such a bright light at the center, always full of mischief and smiles.  I especially loved watching him paint and hearing his input in our discussions.  What a big, kind heart he had and beautiful eyes with lashes that any woman would be envious of.

I also started a blog for the folks at Community Living Center to share what they are learning and accomplishing.  You can read it at .

The rest of the month has been quite busy with Easter, preparing class lessons, finally getting back to some painting and spring cleaning the house.  Paul gave Billy's room a facelift with new paint and carpet!  Looks great and so much brighter.

One nice sunny evening we loaded up the van to go for our usual drive.  When we got to Lepreau, I noticed at sign saying "Old Saint John Rd".  I said I had never been down that road before but had heard there was a road from Lepreau to Lake Utopia, so let's go on an adventure.  The road was paved and we were enjoying the new scenery, then the road turned to gravel so I started looking for somewhere to turn around.  Before I knew it we were on a mud road with no where to go but forward, every place I thought I could turn around was flooded or oozing thick mud.  So onward we must go!!  WELL!!!  The road only got worse as we pushed forward, going through deep ruts filled with water up to the wheel wells.  I could feel the van sliding under my death grip on the steering wheel.  Britni was in the back saying, "Oh God, Oh God..."  George was calmly reassuring her by saying, "No need to worry Brit, Peggy's a good driver, isn't that right Peggy?"
So I joked around with them to keep everyone calm, all the while trying not to pee my pants.  Brooke's knuckles were white while she grasped the "Holy Crap" bar by her window and was frantically searching her google maps to see how far we would be on this logging road from hell!!  We must have been on it at least a half an hour before finally coming to the end and back to paved road near Lake Utopia.  Everyone cheered and George pipes up "See Brit, nothing to go on about, Peggy knew what she was doing!!!"  I was never so happy to get home in my life, it took awhile for my heartbeat to return to normal and we can all laugh about it now. My only regret is not having video taped that...could have won on Funniest Home Videos!

That's the thick and thin of what has gone on since I got back from Ontario...never a dull moment.

I spent the weekend home alone, having a nice quiet break and some time to get the paints out.  I am starting a painting class next month here at my house and wanted to try out a couple ideas.  Here's the results.

See you back here next month!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Back With An Update

It's been some time since I have sat down to blog. First time in almost 9 years I have let three months slip by!  I guess I've been busy...well first tired after Christmas then things started to pick up again in February.  I started back to work at the end of February at the Community Living Center where I used to work.  Then Billy, Britni,  Paul and I packed up and headed to Ontario for a couple weeks.  We had a great time visiting with family and friends, taking the Go Train to Toronto one day to visit the hockey hall of fame and travel to the top of the CN Tower. Thanks to my daughter, Kristie for coming along to help her mom out. Couldn't have done it without her!!
Mom and dad are doing great.  I was able to bring dad's truck home with us.  Billy affectionately calls the truck Jack after my dad. He likes to say "let's take Jack out for a drive!"  He sure does love my parents!
While we were in Ontario, Copper decided to run off from Brooke's to have an adventure of his own. For four nights he was out in the bitter cold and yet somehow managed to survive. Many kind people in St George were out day and night searching and finally on the fourth day someone spotted him running along the highway.  They pulled over and Copper hid under their car until Brooke was able to get there and coax him out.  Many prayers were answered that day!!
So now we are all back home and back to work.  I am happy to be back at the program and feel good about teaching lessons what I hope will help inspire the folks and help them in making decisions about their lives.
Now there is three months in a nutshell. If this winter ever decides to move on into Spring it will be a welcomed time for new adventures!

Here are some pics from the trip.

Billy pretending to drive!!

My awesome great nephew Rhys

Brit and Paul with the Stanley Cup

First time on a train!

A quick painting I did for Rhys who loves sea turtles

Brit and Billy with their new friend Sherisse 

The Windmill store