Monday, June 15, 2020

Three Months In

Well here we are over three months into the covid-19 virus. Throughout these three months New Brunswick had fared fairly well with very few cases and no deaths. 
A few weeks ago a health worker crossed over into Quebec to pick up his daughter and came right back. He did not isolate for 14 days after he went into Quebec and went back to work unknowingly carrying the virus causing an outbreak. Unfortunately a nursing home became infected and two people there have now passed away. There are also about 20 other cases active now because of one person.

Borders to this province are all closed and have been since the beginning of the outbreak. You can leave the province but you have to isolate for 14 days when you return. I am sure it is the same rules in other provinces therefore I'm sure I won't be having any visitors from away this summer.

Even though the virus has affected many people and their daily lives, mine remains very much the same as normal. My work was not affected so I still receive my regular pay. The only real difference is that Billy and Britni are not going to the program as usual which turns out is a good thing. Without having to endure the stress and tension inside the building, Brit has had 0 behaviour issues in 3 months. She is happy and more social. When I have company over she comes down to visit for a few minutes and then says I will let you enjoy your visit with your friend Peggy, and then heads off to do her own thing upstairs. Billy got called back to work as usual and keeps himself busy cleaning up the town of St George as well as cutting grass as part of a business with Joe.

One thing I have been doing to try to help others during this time is sharing meals and baking. A few of my neighbours who are seniors enjoy the treats that Billy delivers, just as much as Billy enjoys delivering them. Here are just a few of the samples:

Now that the good weather is here I have been working on my front porch area. Last fall I had Derrick Wells come and put a fence around my porch giving the dogs a little yard area to run around in the grass. Now that this area is much more private I enjoy sitting out there. Before the fence went up it was like being on display for every car coming up the road!

As for Mom, she has fully recovered from having had the covid-19 virus. She was very sick for quite some time, over a month, but now that she has recovered she remembers nothing about being sick. I will take that as a blessing as she seems very happy now. It was difficult in the beginning for her being so sick and not being able to have a family member come in to see to her needs. She couldn't understand why someone wasn't taking her to the hospital when she was so sick. It was difficult from our perspective having to sit back and not be able to do a thing to help her and to rely on the staff at Anson Place to keep us informed on her condition. Just these past two week she has finally been able to get out of her room and take walks down the hallway with a PSW while wearing a gown, mask and gloves. With the nice weather she can also take walks outside the building and sit down to visit with some other residents while maintaining physical distancing.
Overall I would say our family has done okay during the time of crisis. Everyone has had a roof over their head and food to eat, internet and telephone to keep in touch with family and friends.  I have to say as a bonus, this time where everyone has had to stay home for so long seems to have brought people together from a distance. I feel blessed to have reconnected with extended family that I haven't been in touch with for years. It's been great to see that even after so much time it's easy to fall back into conversation and have some laughs together again.

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