The summer seems to have come and gone without a post since April.
May was a stressful month for me. Dads' health declined after the decision to have no more blood transfusions. I wanted to be back there with him for his final days but there was no way of telling how long his heart would hold up without the transfusions so it was a wait and see scenario for a month. Finally on June 20th I headed back after dad fell and was taken to the hospital. We knew he would not be leaving the hospital after that. I arrived on the 21st and was able to have one final really good visit with dad. He was happy to see me and managed to joke around with Kristie and I while the doctor talked to mom and Pat. Every day after that was a bit worse losing the ability to feed himself, then only able to eat pudding, two days later only thickened juice. At some point during the night on the 4th day he had a stroke and could no longer talk or move his right arm. He died quietly Saturday June 29th early in the morning. His funeral was on Wednesday, July 3rd. He was finally where he had wanted to be for the past year or more no longer sick, no longer tired.
After returning home from a sad and stressful two weeks it was time to throw myself back into the routine of life. Pickles were put up, 57 quarts of dills. We had a small party on the deck the night of the fireworks here in St George. My neighbour Sandy and my friend Fred provided the entertainment singing, playing guitar and banjo. If felt good to laugh and enjoy the company of friends.
The summer also brought visitors! Cousins Christine and Gary Bartlett and then more cousins Wanda and Ken Crozier. My sister Catharine and her bf Darren were here for a few days and most recently my sister Pat and hubby Dave have been in St George for 2 weeks. I have had so many laughs and I hope they will all be back to visit again in the future.
A vacation for Brit was in Auguast as well. Three nights in PEI with friends Carrie and Amy as well as Brooke and Melody. A great time was had by all.
Hurricane Dorion came and went but luckily missed our town!
Today was apple picking day in preparation for apple dumpling season.
So there is the short version of what's been going on since April.
Must try to update more often moving forward.
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