Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What Are You Waiting For?

I think my 50's have turned out to be the best years of my life so far.  I'm not saying that the best things have happened to me in the last couple years but just that I know more about my own inner peace and acceptance, feeling comfortable being me! 

I have realized more lately than ever before how often I have put things off until, well you know the list...I have more money, when I lose weight, the mortgage is paid off, the kids are grown, and worst of all, , when life isn't so busy!  Looking at some seniors I would say life isn't so busy when you are getting up in age and your body doesn't work the way it used to and you spend most of your time sitting in a chair wishing you could go out and do the things you used to.

In the past month I have lost a good friend to cancer and heard of another getting the news she has a brain tumour and two weeks left to live.  Cancer, along with a plethora of other illnesses seems to be swallowing us up one by one.  All of a sudden it seems life has become more a game of Russian Roulette.  Not that it hasn't always been I suppose, I mean we don't know what tomorrow will bring but recently it just seems that a wake up call is being delivered and it's time to take notice.

What would I do if I was given the news that I had only a year left (heaven forbid)...would I try to pick up extra work to pay off the mortgage faster, dust the cobwebs from every corner of my house, start another crazy diet?  Would I spend my last days regretting so many things left undone because I was waiting?  Waiting for what??  I like to think I would spend that time with the ones that love me, just being with them and knowing words are not necessary because I have told them and showed them everyday that they are loved.  I would like the people I have differed with to know that all has been forgiven and that even the rough times taught me to be a better person.  The last day of my life I hope I can spend it looking at a fully crossed off bucket list and at peace, being thankful for every minute of life I have had and for every person and experience that has been a part of it.

I know it is nearly impossible to live a life with no regrets when your time comes but I think living a life without trying to be positive, without helping others whenever possible, without forgiveness in your heart would be a shame.  So before any bad news comes my way I am going to stop waiting, do the things I have put off, say the things that need to be said and if time allows maybe I'll get after those cobwebs.

Now I ask you...What are you waiting for?

Love and hugs to all

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