Every day it seems I find another reason to be a firm believer in positive thinking. I have been worrying about whether or not anyone would want to rent my rooms but have decided whatever will be will be and either way I will be fine.
Yesterday I received an email responding to my Rooms For Rent ad on Kijiji. A young man from Cape Breton was looking for a place to stay in St. George while he works at the mill for three weeks or so. I checked his reference and was happy to receive glowing reports about him. The exact words were "you will love having him around and will miss him when he is gone!" Now that's a good reference :o)
So after chatting with Roy on facebook for awhile and learning a bit more about him it was decided that he will be staying here for the duration of his job. I am looking forward to having someone in the house to bake for and since it's only for a short time it will be a good opportunity to see how renting out the rooms to strangers will go. So, it's a start and I am sure more good things will come from this experience.
I believe he arrives sometime tomorrow so I better get the rest of the rearranging done upstairs before I sleep today.
Happy Day :o)
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