Today was a beautiful day with the snow from the storm a couple days ago still clinging to the trees. The scenery was beautiful down to St. Andrews and St. Steven, especially the back roads where the trees line the roads...very serene.

Christmas shopping is almost done with just a few special people to buy for. I must get my cards signed and posted before next week, maybe over the weekend.
My jobs are going well but I am finding I need to learn to say no again. It is hard to have a social life when you only get one day off a week so I have to stop picking up those extra shifts!!
The deck has been built, another wonder to behold!! Who would have guessed that the weather would be nice enough in December to build a deck?? I decided to put safety glass around the deck for better viewing rather than spindles which makes the deck feel less closed in. It looks great and I will add pictures of the finished product another day. Look at that sky and notice the carpenter's coat hanging on the post...hard to believe it's December. By the end of the day all the carpenters were in t-shirts!! Nothing better than being able to watch men hard at work is there girls??? Hahaha!! 
Usually I dread the winter but with so much on the go all the time I am quite looking forward to it. Friends are close by to visit with, I'm hosting a Christmas party on the 17th and will host another in January for my friends at the bakery if not before depending on my free time. Before I know it, spring will be just around the corner!
Unless something outstanding happens between now and then I will not likely be updating again before Christmas soooo....
To all of my family and friends that I will not see this holiday season,
May you find peace and joy in your lives this Christmas and in the upcoming year. Enjoy time spent with friends and family as we never know just what tomorrow holds. Eat lots, drink responsibly and laugh til your cheeks hurt!!! Merry Christmas Everyone!!
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