Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer Fun

June and July have been very busy here. Visits from my sister Catharine and her friend Judy in June and then my friend Sally arrived July. It's great to go on new adventures with people and this trip Sally and I went whale watching on the Jolly Breeze tall ship along with my friend Lisa from work. I had also received a message from my cousin Doug Donavan the day before that he was in the area with his family and they decided to meet up with us as well for the whale watching excursion. What a great time we had. It turned out to be a very windy and overcast day but that did not put a damper on our adventure. On our way out to the open waters we passed by an island with lots of seals sunning themselves. I had no idea that seals were this light brown colour...I thought they were black. You learn something new every day! Once out in the open water it wasn't long before we sighted the blows of the whales spouting off. Lots of whales were in the area but they sure are difficult to photograph...have to be pretty quick and try to have a steady hand but I did manage to get a few shots in. On the way back to St. Andrews when the tour was done the water was very choppy and the water was splashing furiously up over the front of the ship soaking the majority of us. Sally managed to stay dry by standing back beside the captain but Lisa, Doug, Brittnay and I were drenched. Just when I thought it was safe to take my jacket away from my face another blast of water would come up over the side and I got a mouthful of salt water! It was hilarious and we couldn't stop laughing...what a hoot we had! I do believe I will be making this a yearly trip if I have brave enough visitors to venture out with me.
If you click on this collage you will enlarge it to get a better look at the individual pictures. I can't wait to see what August holds in store for us here in Charlotte County! Thanks for stopping by!
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Peggy.. lovely pics. I really enjoyed the collage... How did you do that...
