It's hard to believe that May 2-4 (24th) weekend is here again. It doesn't seem like a year has gone by since that hair raising drive through the Cabot Trail...I guess time really does fly when you are having fun.
The weather was even better this year than last for a nice drive so Lyndon and I packed up the dogs, Maddie and Tucker and headed out Sunday afternoon around 2:30 pm. I've been wanting to make the drive up to Miramichi so this was to be the destination of the day.
Tucker wasn't too impressed with the car ride to start with but eventually settled down to sleep on the blanket in the back seat. A couple hours into the drive we stopped to let the dogs out to do their business and get a drink of water. Maddie, being a more seasoned traveller took only a small drink, enough to wet her whistle, while Tucker gulped down as much as he could before the dish was taken away. It wasn't long after we started driving again that the water he drank along with his breakfast made a big mess on the blanket! We pulled off on a dirt road where there was fresh water running out of a culvert in the ditch and Lyndon washed off the blanket...none to impressed with the job I might add.
After taking an unexpected scenic route we finally arrived in Miramichi around 6:30 pm. Of course it would be my luck that there was a huge bridge to cross...not my favorite thing to do...but I managed it without a panic attack.
We found a place called French Fort Cove where we had a nice walk in the woods and the dogs got a bit of exercise too.
I should have looked up Miramichi online before our adventure because I found some things on their website that I would have been interested in going to, such as "The Kitchen Party" but there is always next time.
As the sun started to set we decided it was time to head back home, taking a different route than the one we took to get there. Instead of going back to Moncton we headed to Fredricton then back to highway 3...only saw two deer and two police cars the entire trip.
Home safe and sound at 12:30 am ready for bed.
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