Sunday, March 28th was cool and overcast but I was itching to get out of the house and try out my new camera. Being without one since Christmas time has been like missing a limb in some ways. I headed out of town towards St. Stephen and took the turn to St. Andrew's. Since I was out and about by myself I was a little leary on going down roads I hadn't been on before...always afraid they will be a dead end and I won't have a place to turn around but that wasn't the case this time. The road I took was a dead end but had the nicest house at the end of it with this eagle's nest sitting on top of the hydro pole as well. The road runs along the Digdequash river and the house sits right on the banks. Beautiful spot.
I turned around and headed back towards St. George and took another detour to the left of the highway this time to see what was back in the sticks heading in this direction. A nice little waterfall in the Digdequash caught my eye so I pulled over to snap a few pictures. I really need to find someone in the area to go with me on these excursions that knows the woods and how to get down close to these spots...looked like a beautiful place for a picnic! So I continued on down the road happy to see that there were houses along the road so I didn't feel like I was heading into Deliverance country...the road twisted and turned, up and down hills and presented the odd pothole but it was a peaceful drive all in all. Soon I found my way to a road that pointed me back towards St. George and I was on my way home again.
Back in town I noticed the mist coming up from the gorge and the ice frozen to the surrounding trees and bushes so I wheeled into the Blueberry store parking lot and crossed the road to take a few more pictures. Moments like these make me feel like I am still just a tourist here but I can't seem to help myself. I love taking the pictures to share with my friends back in Ontario and also with my new friends here. It suprises me to find out that many of the locals don't venture off the beaten path so I feel it's my duty to let them know what's going on too...hahaha!!
So, that's it for today. The beautiful weather we had enjoyed the past few weeks has left us now and it's turned cold and overcast but I guess it's to be expected this time of year.
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