Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Mother's Prayer for her Daughter

May she always believe in herself...know that she is a gift to her mother and that her happiness is paramount. May her heart be open to those that seek her love but protected from those who do not appreciate all that she is.

If she is hurting, may the hurt lead to revelations of an inner strength she never knew she had. Give me strength and wisdom as a mother and woman to realize that I can't always make the hurt go away but can always be her soft place to fall when she needs me the most.

Let my advice be simple and me not to be selfish or judgemental when she is making difficult choices. Let me be reminded that I have also made choices that no one else understood and whether they were the right choices or not I have learned from them and she will too.

I pray for my daughter that she will smile more often than she cries, that she loves stronger than she hates and that she forgives her mother for wanting to carry her burdens, for wanting to do physical harm to anyone that dares to deem insignificant the gift I cherish so dearly.

May the sun always shine warmly on her path, though clouds may appear, let it only be for a moment in time until she smiles again.


  1. Oh, Mama. *sob*
    I love you!

  2. very nice peg. Is there one for Dads?...the often forgotten ones.

  3. That is beautiful Peggy!

  4. Oh dear Aunt Peg...sounds like rough waters! God does hear our prayers ... may He help you to see/hear His answers, and trust that He's watching out for your daughters too. Love Jackie

  5. Did a search on the Internet for a mother's prayers for daughters and came across this - so perfect for these times!! Your blog and pictures are very, very wonderful - magnificent skills God has blessed you with - take care, a grateful stranger! :-)

  6. Beautiful Peggy.. Keep up the writing! Hugs Di

  7. Thank you! the perfect prayer for my daughter, its like exactly what I wanted to tell her.

  8. My daughter and I don't talked to each other. It's been almost 3 months. She's been a single mom for almost 3 years. She mad at the world and I am not allowed to see my 2 grandchildren, almost as if she were punishing me. It hurts so bad and neither of one of us will give in. Pray that God will move in our hearts.

    1. i have 2 girls. because my eldest wrong thinking, not just her but my grand daughter has been lost to me for 23 years. she is now 25. her father took her away and changed her name. i know that kind of pain and sorrow. may god have mercy on all of you. and bless you beyond measure. aho-fpr all my relations.

  9. Very nice Peggy ;0) do you have a pryer for 6 son's I pray they remain happy and healthy and stong everyday.

    1. that's the best prayer to pray right there my're a good dad :)

  10. this is a very beautiful prayer. Thank God for you writing this prayer. It is so befitting for such a time like this.

  11. Oh, so beautiful Peggy. What a lucky daughter you have. Bless you.
