Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mom, Dad and Pat's visit June 12th to the 19th, 2009

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We had beautiful weather and the lupins were in full bloom the entire week that my parents and sister visited. Every day was filled with sightseeing excursions, naps and food just as every good vacation should be. All the local shops and restaurants were visited along with trips to St. John Market Square and City Market, a ride on the ferry to Grand Manan island where we spotted our first whale of the summer, a drive to St. Stephen and Calais Maine for some shopping and a jaunt through all the stores in beautiful St. Andrew's by the Sea.
Vicious games of marbles were played every night after supper and we were joined one evening by our neighbours Sandy and Lise Livingstone...lots of laughs, jokes and questionable language filled the house.
Dad needed a comfy place to sit and relax while watching tv so he purchased us a new lazyboy recliner, a very nice addition to the living room...thanks Dad!
All too soon the visit was over, it sure did fly by as most good things in life do. God willing they will be back again next summer to complete their next leg of the Charlotte County Tour.

1 comment:

  1. wow! sounds like a great visit! good to hear they could come and see where their little girl is living now.
    I love lupins! I have pink and red ones in my flower bed...

    sorry I missed your call(s)

