Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another Province Down

Where has the time gone? Here it is the middle of May already and I see it's been a month since I updated this.
Spring seems to be taking it's time getting here, although the sun is shining most days the nippiness in the air is still holding on for dear life. The grass is brilliant green, trees are sprouting new leaves for another summer and more and more people are out and about on the streets of St. George. Business at the bakery is picking up and looks like summer will be a very busy time there. Here at the house, not much has changed. I did purchase a new bed for my upcoming visitors and have had the tree that was growing up through the deck cut down as most of it was dead and what was living insisted on dropping little leaves and twigs onto the deck all summer long.
This past weekend was the May 24 weekend and with the sun shinning brightly, Lyndon and I decided to head out on a road trip. There was not enough time to go to Ontario so we headed further east to Nova Scotia. It takes 2 and 1/2 hours to get from our house to the Nova Scotia border where we arrived at 5:00pm Friday night. Although it is very close by, the landscape is quite different with less evergreens, more deciduous trees and more open space...farm land. We headed down highway 104 which is a toll road, cost $4.00 until we saw a sign that said, "This is the only exit to Halifax" so we took it. We arrived in Halifax around 7:00pm and drove around downtown, along the pier and then out to Cow Bay (by accident). I would like to go back to Halifax sometime to walk around. The downtown buildings seem very old but very well maintained. We stopped for the night around 9:30 and got a room at the airport hotel.
Saturday morning we headed out again around 8:30 and decided to go to Cape Breton and drive the Cabot Trail. It was a beautiful day again and the scenery was spectacular. There were lots of little bakery's and giftshops along the route which Lyndon begrudgingly stopped at so I could snoop around. The trail itself was full of twists and turns, eye-popping views and hair raising drop offs. All in all I'm so glad we went but don't think I will have the nerve up to do it again anytime soon. Lyndon on the other hand wants to go back without me to see how fast he can take that road! We arrived back home Saturday night, safe and sound just in time for the rain to start. I've now been in every province except Newfoundland but that's a 6 hour ferry ride so will need to save up some vacation time for that trip.

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