Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Fall of 2024


Now that summer has passed and October is almost over, it's time to unwind for a bit before the rush of Christmas. 

Eric and I drove back to Ontario for a few weeks in October.  I had a great birthday there, Thanksgiving dinner at Eric's brother and sister in laws house as well as a Thanksgiving dinner at Eric's house for my grandkids and Brooke! Jaxx and Scarlett s mom, Brittany, arranged an afternoon of horseback riding for us and we all had a great time!

I spent a little time painting,  a portrait of Frankie, which I left at Eric's so he wouldn't miss Frankie too much.

When we returned home, Eric layed the new floor in the shed and then the next day came down with Covid.  He was in bed for a whole week, it really kicked his butt. He's on the mend now and back to puttering around the property. 

Yesterday he ran lights all around the outside of the shed for the trick or treaters. The weather is calling for above average temps so it will be a nice night to sit out and hand out candy.

Eric will be returning home on November 11th out of Fredericton. I wonder how long before he's back again.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Time is Flying

 Here we are over a week into August already. We are currently in Tillsonburg,  Ontario at Erics for 10 days. We arrived on the 5th and are heading home on the 15th. I had a great day out with my three oldest grand kids. They are growing so fast! Kingston towers over all of us! The kids had a great day together at St Jacobs market and out for icecream with Kristie, Brooke and myself.

Tomorrow is a family barbeque at my sister, Pat's and celebrating Kristie's 40th birthday.

I heard tomatoes weren't going to be available until the end of next week but as luck would have it, they are ready early and I am able to bring my two bushels home as planned. They are only $30 a bushel (32 quarts) so we will be enjoying stewed tomatoes all winter! I should also have enough room for a 50lb bag of fresh sweet corn....woohoo!!!

Back at home, Chris Colbourne has been hard at work landscaping my back hill into two terraces with rock walls. I'm excited to get back home to see it! He does fantastic work!

The shed Eric built is almost complete, just the inside left which we will work on when we return home.

I have new neighbors that moved into Sandy and Lise's house. Chuck, Marie, Deacon and Edie Orser. A very nice young family so I have lucked out again! Deacon and Edie remind me so much of my grandbabies,  Jaxx and Scarlett! It's so cute when they peek around the hedges to see if Frankie and I are sitting on the porch and then they run up the hill to sit and visit. 

Today we are heading out for a cruise in the T Bird for a little adventure, just taking it easy and enjoying our vacation.

I'll be back with updates when we get home to New Brunswick. 😀❤️

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Time Keeps on Ticking

Here we are, nearing thr end of February already. This has been a very mild winter with very little snow. Billy has only had to shovel twice all winter. He has been able to pick up hours at Canada Green as well as he went back to the town clean up job already!

Eric arrived the middle of January and went back home February 18th. I'm sure he will be back again before too long. We are both anxious to start work on my "She Shed".

I've kept busy with some painting,  sold my dandelion fairy painting to Bev Hartsell, a highland cow to Lynn Szymezko and another highland cow will be delivered to Dawn Misner in April. I'm hoping to open a little shop of sorts in the shed this summer. I've made some postcards from 6 of my paintings that I think people will like and picked up some old shutters to use for displaying paintings and other things I may decide to sell.

Brit is still enjoying swimming and spending time at Kristies. Brooke quit her daycare job in Scotland and starts her new job with the board of education next week as an education assistant. Brad made his first sale as a real-estate agent this month as well. Everybody is doing well and moving forward!

Now I'm looking forward to Eric's return in a few more weeks and then we will drive back to Ontario together. Thankful for my blessed life!