Friday, November 30, 2018

Winter is Here

November12th, first fire in the woodstove of the season! We had a real cold snap for a week, got some snow and now it has been mild for a week and the snow is almost gone.

This month has been fairly busy for me with a few short get aways and made a couple new acquaintances.  Yesterday I went shopping and got the majority of my Christmas shopping done. Today I am working on a few saws that need to be painted. I have procrastinated long enough! Once my paintings are caught up I will be able to focus on Christmas baking.

Next Saturday my friend Carrie is coming over to make sugar cookies, a new tradition we started last year, so much fun baking with friends!

Billy did his usual house decorating and tree set up on the afternoon of Remembrance Day. It's so nice to sit in the living room at night with the woodstove going and only the Christmas lights on with some music playing...very cozy and relaxing.

I am looking forward to another trip to Nova Scotia in December to deliver some baking and gifts to a great friend. As always nice to get away and even better to have a nice face to face visit with people I don't get to see very often.

Everyone here is happy and healthy, looking forward to the holiday season. Even Copper and Frankie!

Frankie met a girlfriend on the 24th too! Her name is Maggie and they had a very active first date.
Hopefully we are going to see the results of that meeting on or near January 25th. Grandpuppies!!!

My friend Andrea came up for a coffee one afternoon and together we did a painting of a snowman...I had done this one a couple years ago but gave it away so this one I am keeping.
That's all my tidbits for November.  See you back here closer to Christmas!!

Friday, October 19, 2018

The Long and Winding Road

October is proving to be a a month full of surprises! Usually Spring is when I feel the most energized, like everything is new and full of unlimited possibilities. This year though, October and the beauty of Fall captured my heart and my imagination.  With having had such a busy summer, vacations, visiting old friends, making new ones and keeping everyone happy on the home front by the time October got here I was exhausted.  A much needed escape was at hand and so I took full advantage leaving everyone behind for the first time in a very long time.  Years ago I used to make a point of driving north in Ontario to take in the beautiful colours but since moving here, and it's been 10 years already, that tradition fell by the wayside.I had 3 days to myself, a new playlist on my phone and no real destination in mind.  I ended up in Nova Scotia the first night, stopping in Truro for a good night sleep.  After a slow and lazy awakening, I packed up and headed out for the day.  The colours and scenery were breath taking even though the day was overcast.  Have you ever noticed that the colours are more vibrant on an overcast day than on a sunny one? Passing by all the farms, cows out to pasture, tractors meandering across fields and people out doing what people do in the fall; raking leaves, decorating their doorsteps, visiting their neighbour at the mailbox probably talking about the weather, it was a peaceful drive.

I headed west on highway 101 passing by Windsor and then stopping off in Wolfville to check out the farmers market. Then on past Kentville, Berwick, Middleton, right on down along the coast to Digby.  The sun had popped out for a short time but being down there by the water was a little on the brisk side so I ventured into a few of the stores searching for accessories for my beach theme bedroom but nothing struck my fancy. After continuing down to Metaghan,  I turned around and headed back to Halifax for the night.  What should have been a four hour drive the next day from Halifax to St George turned into an 8 hour trip down every back road I could find.

After returning home from my mini vacation I received the sad news that Brooks Grandpa Bacher had passed away. She wanted so badly to go back for the funeral but did not want to drive by herself so I washed up my laundry, repacked my bag and before long we were on the highway again heading for Ontario.  Being such a quick and unexpected trip, Facebook helped me connect with family and a few great friends for a laugh filled visit at Kelseys for dinner and a couple drinks before having to drive back home the next morning!

So that's my post for October...there will still be more happening, hopefully all good and maybe a few surprises thrown in to keep life exciting.  I will fill y'all in next's to good times!!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Visitors, Friends and Apples

Its nearing the end of September and less than a week away from Brit's 33rd birthday.
Pat and Dave made it down for their vacation. They stayed for a week in PEI then a week here at Greens Point lighthouse cottage. They enjoyed it so much they booked this cottage for their entire two weeks vacation next summer! I stopped by the cottage for a visit and it really is an amazing place. Perched right on the cliff beside the lighthouse overlooking the Bay of Fundy. The sunsets are beautiful and dolphins and whales were spotted while watching the Deer Island Ferry passing by in the distance. We enjoyed some nice meals together and lots of laughs.

Brit, Billy,  George, Melody and I went apple picking st Mackays orchard on Kingston Peninsula. It was a beautiful day and everyone enjoyed the trip while listening to some great bluegrass music on the drive.

The following week we put those fresh picked apples to good use making our traditional apple dumplings and caramel sauce. With the help of our new friend Amy Leblanc, Melody,  George and myself made 85 dumplings. So much fun working together, sharing the experience and making memories.
I also managed to squeeze in some time to make some new friends, spent another afternoon on the trails with Carrie and Jeff where we had so many laughs listening to my new friend tell jokes. We all need friends that make us laugh like that!!!
Next month is my busy month. Brit, Billy and I all celebrate birthdays in October as well as Thanksgiving and Halloween.
I am trying my best to sneak in a mini vacation for myself to reset and reenergize before the Christmas season is upon us.
So that's it for September. Enjoy your Fall everyone💖

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

August Already??

Wow this summer is flying by! What a great summer it's been so far though with perfect weather and great times spent with friends and family.
I got my trip to Montreal over with. That was an experience I won't be needing to repeat anytime soon. The company was fun and the drive there and back was great but Montreal itself was a mess of construction. Thanks to Debra Vincze for telling me about the WAZE app for a GPS so I was able to find my way in and out of there!
I also snuck in a day trip to visit my friend Pat in PEI while she was on vacation there. We didn't stay long as it was so hot there. It was good to return to the cooler temps  of the Fundy coast!
I spent a day out biking the trails with friends and need to do that again soon. Such a great time!!
 Was so glad to have this was a dusty ride!!

Crazy summer hair but Frankie loves me anyway :) 

Next week we head out to Ontario for a week. Can't wait to hug my grandbabies, see my kids, parents, family and friends.  We will be bringing the lawn chairs for evening parking lot parties, always a good time😎! My plan is also to bring back lots of tomatoes, corn and peaches to put up for the winter.
September will bring my sister and brother in law to the area so I also have that to look forward to.
Not much else has been happening. Still loving the good life and trying to stay out of trouble. Some days it's easier than others  hahaha!
See you next month💖

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Back Again

I can't believe it has been since Christmas since I last posted. I have been blogging for 10 years and have never let more than a couple months pass between posts.  This past winter was a difficult one for me and I am happy to say I came through the other side of it, once again stronger and still positive.
I did manage a trip to Ontario in March to visit my family travelling with only my dogs. It was a great week and I got to spend time with my kids and grandbabies as well as my great nephews 💖.

These kids kept me laughing whenever I spent time with them!
Billy and Britni are doing very well, healthy and happy. Brit had to have her appendix out the week after Christmas which was scary at the time as it had burst so she had some post op complications but in the end recovered completely and now knows she has nothing to fear at the hospital.
For Christmas my kids got me a new baby.  We named him Frankie and he is just the cutest little dog. He is a Chihuahua Pug mix (Chug) and a best friend for Copper too. They both provide me with unconditional love and hours of entertainment. 

The spring brought new love into Brooke' s life. Makes my heart happy to see her being treated so well.
I have a few painting projects on the go after a long break. It's been a struggle to get back into that groove. Some things just require a little inspiration and the beautiful weather has helped in that area.

I just returned from a quick trip to North Bay, Ontario where I enjoyed a couple days with my friends Christy and Grant Patterson. Although it was extremely hot the company was delightful and we had lots of laughs.

This was a hoarders house downtown North Bay.

  After three nights I packed up and made the 15 and 1/2 hour drive home. It's so nice travelling this time of year when I can make the entire trip in daylight otherwise I would have to stay overnight half way. I don't like night time driving due to all the wild life, better to be safe than sorry.
So now I am back home planning our next adventures. Coming up this month I am taking a Romanian woman and her daughter to Montreal to obtain their new Visas as well as a quick trip to PEI to visit some Ontario friends who are vacationing there. 
So that's a quick over view. I am still here, single again but happy and healthy, grateful for the blessed life I lead.  
Love and sunshine to all.💖