I wonder if I am alone in this or if any of you have had the same experience.
A few months ago I started with this feeling that something big was going to happen, I didn't know if it was good or bad but there was this fluttering in my gut that motivated me to get out and start something. This was the time that I offered to go back to the program to work until they could find a full time staff that they desperately needed.
During my time at the center I started teaching classes on Personal Outcomes...looking at 21 different areas in a persons life that they seek satisfaction. The response to these classes was amazing, people discussing their rights, their dreams and desires and what kinds of things they felt they were missing out on. They chose travelling as their goal and discussed barriers and solutions. Money, always being an obstacle was addressed by a desire to fundraise to help out the situation. After making over 70 Yardzee games and holding a very successful yard sale we raised over $1200 dollars to get started on our adventures.
Our first trip was last week to Halifax. Three folks from the program signed up to go for the one night stay. We visited the Atlantic Maritime Museum and the Nova Scotia Art Gallery, Peggy's Cove, the school for the blind and Citadel Hill. As two of the folks are part of our art class, the exhibit in the Art Gallery of Maude Lewis, her house and her works was very interesting. Her work is very simplistic in nature and proved to us that some forms of art, such as folk art which is what her style is, can be achieved by the most basic of painters. There is no need for expensive education, tools, paints...just a desire to create!
We enjoyed meals together, lots of laughs and side conversations and learned so much about each other that you can't learn in a large group environment. I can't stress enough how rewarding it is to take someone away from their everyday, humdrum lives and see their reactions to new and exciting experiences. I could go on and on about how behaviours that you see at home magically disappear when away but that is for another day and another post.
Now, back to my feeling of urgency. I now think it was my need to give, to do something, to make a difference. It's easy when you work from home, to get set in a routine and before long it seems you are doing nothing but merely existing. Of course that's not true because you are maintaining a home and looking after folks but sometimes you just need more. I guess what I am saying is that I was draining my cup and not doing anything to refill it. By volunteering, getting involved and helping people experience new things I have begun to fill myself up again. I have learned that volunteering at something you actually love adds depth and meaning to your life, it doesn't drain you.
Our next trip is to PEI in August with three young ladies from the center, one staff, one parent and myself.
Now, as for me personally, I am heading back to Ontario in July. The opportunity came up unexpectedly to stay at the Normandale cottage and I couldn't be happier. I love that place, so relaxing and a great time to visit with friends! Of course it really wouldn't be complete without taking Brit, Billy, George and Mel with Brooke and myself and they are all eager to see their new extended family as well as some of their friends they have made over the years.
My feeling of urgency has subsided into an enjoyable and fun filled life once again and I continue to explore new ways to give back and reap the benefits of contributing to others.
See you back here soon.