Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Back With An Update

It's been some time since I have sat down to blog. First time in almost 9 years I have let three months slip by!  I guess I've been busy...well first tired after Christmas then things started to pick up again in February.  I started back to work at the end of February at the Community Living Center where I used to work.  Then Billy, Britni,  Paul and I packed up and headed to Ontario for a couple weeks.  We had a great time visiting with family and friends, taking the Go Train to Toronto one day to visit the hockey hall of fame and travel to the top of the CN Tower. Thanks to my daughter, Kristie for coming along to help her mom out. Couldn't have done it without her!!
Mom and dad are doing great.  I was able to bring dad's truck home with us.  Billy affectionately calls the truck Jack after my dad. He likes to say "let's take Jack out for a drive!"  He sure does love my parents!
While we were in Ontario, Copper decided to run off from Brooke's to have an adventure of his own. For four nights he was out in the bitter cold and yet somehow managed to survive. Many kind people in St George were out day and night searching and finally on the fourth day someone spotted him running along the highway.  They pulled over and Copper hid under their car until Brooke was able to get there and coax him out.  Many prayers were answered that day!!
So now we are all back home and back to work.  I am happy to be back at the program and feel good about teaching lessons what I hope will help inspire the folks and help them in making decisions about their lives.
Now there is three months in a nutshell. If this winter ever decides to move on into Spring it will be a welcomed time for new adventures!

Here are some pics from the trip.

Billy pretending to drive!!

My awesome great nephew Rhys

Brit and Paul with the Stanley Cup

First time on a train!

A quick painting I did for Rhys who loves sea turtles

Brit and Billy with their new friend Sherisse 

The Windmill store