So here it is the middle of February already! It's been a pretty uneventful winter weatherwise this year and that's ok by me. So far we have only had two major snowfalls and some pretty cold days but this is Canada and to be expected. From the sounds of it and pictures I've seen, it appears my old stomping grounds in Ontario got more snow than we did here in St. George with this last storm. Sorry friends, but I love it when that happens...hahahaha!!!
A few weeks ago we had some pretty strong winds. Strong enough to blow my deck door open even with a desk and large tv in front of it, the tv did not survive the fall but it was an older model so not a big loss. The chimney however is a different story. The pipe on the top of the house came unlocked and blew off, it came tumbling down with a loud rumbling and vibrated the whole house. When I went out to check it I tried to lift it, however it was heavier than it appeared. I rolled it over to the porch and stood it up where it remains today. Maritime heating came to take a look at it and just called to tell me some bad news. The type of chimney I have is no longer being made so finding a new pipe to match the style that will lock into the existing chimney is not possible, going to have to replace the entire pipe from roof to basement. I have made a new friend online that does this for a living and is advising me what to do. It's nice to have someone looking out for me that has my best interest in mind and not dollar signs. However it turns out, the work must be done if I am going to burn wood again next year. I also want to look into this heat pump system that is out there, not having to deal with wood sounds good to me but I know this type of system will be very expensive. Lots of research to do before anything gets done in the spring. I'm just glad I have the woodstove and electric fireplaces for back up :)
So, do you want to hear about my love life? Hahaha!!! I thought so! Well, I don't have one..heehee. I have met some really interesting people online, had coffee with some, just chat with others but am in no hurry to have my heart broke again anytime soon so am treading lightly into the dating scene with both eyes wide open.
My trip home in the spring may be put on hold due to the maintenance issues but I hope not. Brit and Billy are looking as forward to the trip as I am so hopefully will be able to swing both things.
Won't be long now and Spring will be looking forward to the time moving ahead and longer days.
That's my news for February, if anything earth shattering happens, I'll be back :) Take care my friends, hugs to all!