February can seem to be a depressing month, especially when there is so much snow in the forecast. I'm not much of a winter driver but have found that once the plows are out and the sun appears there is no need to be stuck inside so off I go for a nice long drive with my music cranked. It never seems to fail that where ever I end up I meet someone new that brings a smile to my face and makes the day out so much more worthwhile. I'm not one to just walk into Tim Horton's, stand in line and not speak to anyone. I enjoy striking up conversations with total strangers which is exactly what happened in Moncton yesterday.
Her name was Marilyn and she has never been outside of New Brunswick. Since the service at this particular Tim Horton's was beyond slow we had plenty of time to converse and she had lots of questions for me about Ontario and what it was that possessed me to land down here. She was just there to pick up a coffee for her dad so I ended the conversation by buying her coffee and thanking her for the chat. We both felt we had met another nice person and were better off for having the conversation.
The rest of the day was spent at the Champlain mall, watching a movie and sharing some laughs with Steve. I am so glad I decided not to cancel my weekend visit completely because of the snow in the forecast...it was a great day! I returned home just a few hours before the weather changed so it all ended well.
Although it snowed through the night, the sun is shining again today and I will soon have to head outdoors to first shovel a bit and then see what the world has to offer outside my door today.
Happy February everyone...Spring is just around the corner but let's not waste a day waiting for it :o)